Grooming Tip – Famous Bad Skin Habits

20 Apr

Have been drinking too much? Smoking loads? Chatting too much on your cell phone? Insufficient sleep? Over-utilised makeup tools and not hygienic enough?  Hands feel itchy when you notice popping zits? Oh well, all these should be passe like 2009! Here are the reasons why you will need to discard these bad skin habits.

1. Skipping Broad-Spectrum Sunscreen

Best way to keep your skin from getting wrinkled, saggy, and speckled is sunscreen, SPF 30 at the minimum. Broad-spectrum formulas (meaning they shield against both UVA and UVB rays) with Mexoryl or Helioplex offer the longest-lasting protection. Apply a whole tablespoon to your face, and the equivalent of a shot glass on your body. For workdays, reapply before you travel home if the sun is still out—even if you’ll be in a car. And for days when you’ll be outside for an extended period of time, reapply every two hours.

2. Smoking

You need another reason to quit? Seriously, it is time. Because if you keep smoking, you’ll not only damage your health, but you’ll develop more and more deep wrinkles and blotchier skin tone.

3. Drinking Too Much

Now, we’re not taking away all your fun—you can still have a glass of something. But drink more than one cocktail a day, and your skin suffers. Alcohol increases the level inflammatory agents in the bloodstream, this in which can hasten skin sagging over time.

4. Using Dirty Makeup Brushes

Skip washing your brushes and you could wind up with muddied colors, clogged pores, and bacterial infections. Once every three weeks, lather brushes with a gentle shampoo, rinse well, and let them dry overnight or use wipes.

5. Constant Phone Chatter

Resting your chin or cheek against a phone can lead to breakouts, whether or not the phone is clean and bacteria-free. Leaning your face against it can cause friction, occlusion, and heat, all of which can make you break out. If your chatting habit is too ingrained to shake, consider a headset.

6. Staying Up Late

Sleep deprivation causes stress, which can aggravate all skin conditions, including acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Sleep is also the time when your body repairs the damage from the day, and interrupting that process will slow down cell turnover. In the short term, this can mess with the way blood flows to the skin, which can make your complexion sallow.

7. Not Washing Your Face at Night

Letting skin marinate in makeup? Not to mention a day’s worth of oil buildup can lead to clogged pores and zits, especially if you’re prone to acne. Your body temperature increases slightly when you sleep, which can enhance absorption of whatever’s on the surface. Thus, we bet you really want only beneficial ingredients on your face when you sleep.

8. Popping Zits

We know this would be tempting. But, the reality is that squeezing a pimple just pushes bacteria deeper into the pores, causing inflammation, infection, and scarring. Almost doubling the zit’s life span (from about one week to two). Treating it with the harshest chemicals in the bathroom won’t help either. Applying too much benzoyl peroxide on any breakout only damages the skin around the spot and can cause more irritation. Advisable to use a spot treatment with no more than 2.5 percent benzoyl peroxide at night, and reapply it to major zits in the morning.

Information and photos courtesy of Allure.

Celebrity Style – Charlize Theron

29 Mar

Charlize Theron is evergreen sexy!

This lady never fails to bring us the other dimension of beauty into our eyes. Recently attended American Cinematheque 24th Annual Award Presentation at The Beverly Hilton Hotel, in Beverly Hills, Calif, and she sparkled. Wrapped in a piece of minimalistic drop-off shoulder sequin dress, and black ankled booties. An aura of beaute and sexiness were released.

Who says only low-back, strap-less, low cleavage dressing equate to sexiness? That is not the case.

Information and photo courtesy of Just Jared.

Celebrity Style – Kristen Stewart

14 Mar

Bella Swan meeting her Prince Edward or Kristen Stewart meeting her Fairy Godmother?

2010 Oscars had recently ended its run and now we are flocked with Oscars’ aftermath on the internet. Here we are seeing Bella Swan (Twilight Saga actress).. oops no, Kristen Stewart to be exact. Dressed in Monique L’huillier midnight-blue gown and equipped with no accessories. Yet, her signature look – plain, simple self. Sometimes, we got to agree that simplicity rocks the red carpet!

Information and photo courtesy of Gossip Girl Net Blog.

Grooming Tip – Party Emergency

28 Dec

Year-end is constantly filled with nothing but, parties! However, not all of us are on long season break. Thus meaning, some of us got to adjourn to parties right after work. Wouldn’t it be a hassle to travel home and out to party again? Now, here comes office-to-party emergency kit to freshen your face!

If you’re not wearing foundation, rub it on your cheeks to make your skin look dewy.

Makeup-eraser pencil.
Swipe one around your eyes and mouth to delete mascara smudges and lipstick smears without messing up your foundation. Alternative layman method, use facial wet tissue.

Before re-upping your undereye coverage, be sure to dab on a bit of moisturizer or eye cream. It will keep color from becoming cakey.

Eyelash curler.
Pumping up lashes perks up tired eyes, with or without a new coat of mascara.

Oil Blotters.
Press one on your forehead, nose, and chin to degrease without destroying your makeup.

Highlighting cream/powder.
Add a swipe on the cheekbones and brow bones to brighten skin.

Rosy Cream or Gel Blush.
Smile wide and dab it on the apples of your cheeks. This one step alone will make you look ready to face the world.

Information courtesy of Allure.